This color scheme is based on RasMol's shapely color scheme for nucleic and amino acids. There are two main differences:
colors are web-optimized
some colors are darker in case of light background
0 | UNK |
medium purple | #ff00ff |
#990099 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 1-2 | A, +A |
light blue | #9999ff |
#333399 |
3-4 | C, +C |
light orange | #ff9933 |
#996600 |
5-6 | G, +G |
medium salmon | #ff6666 |
#993333 |
7-8 | T, +T |
light green | #33ff33 |
#33ff33 |
9-10 | I, +I |
medium purple | #ff00ff |
#990099 |
11-12 | U, +U |
medium purple | #ff00ff |
#990099 |
13 | ALA |
medium green | #99ff99 |
#66cc66 |
14 | ARG |
blue | #0000ff |
#0000ff |
15 | ASN |
light salmon | #ff6666 |
#993333 |
16 | ASP |
dark rose | #990033 |
#990033 |
17 | CYS |
medium yellow | #ffff66 |
#666633 |
18 | GLN |
dark salmon | #ff3333 |
#cc3333 |
19 | GLU |
dark brown | #660000 |
#660000 |
20 | GLY |
white | #ffffff |
#000000 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 21 | HIS |
medium blue | #6666ff |
#6666cc |
22 | ILE |
dark green | #006600 |
#006600 |
23 | LEU |
olive green | #336633 |
#336633 |
24 | LYS |
royal blue | #3333cc |
#3333cc |
25 | MET |
light brown | #cc9933 |
#cc9933 |
26 | PHE |
olive gray | #666633 |
#666633 |
27 | PRO |
dark gray | #666666 |
#666666 |
28 | SER |
medium orange | #ff6633 |
#ff6633 |
29 | THR |
dark orange | #cc3300 |
#cc3300 |
30 | TRP |
olive brown | #666600 |
#666600 |
31 | TYR |
medium brown | #996633 |
#996633 |
32 | VAL |
light purple | #ff99ff |
#ff99ff |
33-34 | ASX, GLX |
medium purple | #ff00ff |
#990099 |