To install JChem for Office (or Office Lite) please download the proper installer for 32 or 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office from the Chemaxon website.
JChem for Office can be used on computers where Microsoft Office 2013 or above is installed. Please note the install process requires admin rights. Microsoft Office Online and Microsoft Office Desktop App from Windows Store are not supported.
You can find the supported Microsoft Office versions here:
JChem for Office can be installed by using one of the JChem for Office installers:
JChem_For_Office_x.x.x.xx.exe for end-users (where x.x.x.xx is the current version number).
JChem_For_Office_x.x.x.xx.msi for administrators (where x.x.x.xx is the current version number).
JChem for Office Lite can be installed by using one of the JChem for Office installers:
JChem_For_Office_Lite_x.x.x.xx.exe for end-users (where x.x.x.xx is the current version number).
JChem_For_Office_Lite_x.x.x.xx.msi for administrators (where x.x.x.xx is the current version number).
{primary} Before installation, please make sure that all updates, which are available for your current Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office version, are installed on your computer.
Please note that you always have to be an administrator or must have administrator rights on the computer to be able to install JChem for Excel or JChem for Office properly.
Meanwhile the install process the installers automatically check a lot of things on your computer (your MS Office version, bit version of your MS Office, prerequisites, version of .Net framework, etc.), if something is missing or does not supported information popup dialogs will inform you about the exact problem of the installation.
The installers automatically check the required prerequisites and if something is missing it will automatically offer to install it from Microsoft's site. Please note that JChem for Office cannot work properly without the following prerequisites:
.NET Framework 4.6.2
VSTO 2010 Runtime
Visual C++ 2015-2022 SP1 Redistributable
Visual Studio Tools for Office 4.0 Runtime Minimum version: 10.0
The Setup Wizard helps you to install the application in a few steps.
After reading and accepting the End-User License Agreement you can decide which one of the components you want to install. Please note, that JChem for Office cannot be installed without JChem for Excel. For this reason, the check-box for JChem for Excel is in checked state and grayed out. If you do not change anything on this page, all components will be installed (Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, Excel).
You can specify if you would like to install for the user you are logged in with (Only for local user with admin right option) or for all the user accounts created on the computer (All users on this computer option). The latter option means that JChem for Office will be registered for all users, which are available on the local computer, the former option means that it will be registered only for the single local user if it has administrator privileges. In the case of all users install, please note that all running Microsoft Office applications have to be closed in every user's profile, otherwise the install will not succeed for those users. Other users can be logged in or logged out meanwhile the install process, it does not matter, one of the most important thing besides closing all running Microsoft Office application in other user's profile is that only the Administrator can initiate the install process.
{info} JChem for Office has a default installation folder which cannot be changed.
We also check if any previous JChem for Office add-in or maybe other Office add-ins are already installed on the computer. If a previous version of JChem for Office is still available, it must be uninstalled. This is necessary as installing the same software with different version numbers can cause problems.
For more information regarding uninstall, see Uninstall and Upgrade.
If other Office add-ins are installed, they can cause unexpected errors as all add-ins try to be loaded at the same time:
At the next step, you can start installing the application by clicking on the Install button.
The Setup Wizard shows the current status of the install process.
During the installation process, the User Account Control (UAC) settings are turned off to avoid constant notifications. In this case, only one notification appears during the install. This is normal and after the installation is complete the settings are changed back to the original state.
After the application has been successfully installed you can close the Setup Wizard by clicking Finish.
In the same process, all applications ( JChem for Excel , Word , PowerPoint and Outlook, OneNote as a prototype) are installed and the JChem ribbon is displayed in the Microsoft Office applications .
{primary} Please keep in mind that it is strongly advised to wait for the complete installation process of JChem for Office, or if you hit Cancel, please wait until the rollback process is completed, because incomplete, interrupted installation may also result in registry corruption.
Watch this video to see more about how to download JChem for Office add-in from the Chemaxon website & install it for Microsoft Office.